Wednesday, August 17, 2011


It's been a while since I've been on here. I'm now 32 weeks and 32 lbs heavier. hahaha! So sad 'cause I'm kind of not exaggerating. I didn't want to post up any pictures of myself because I felt like a big whale, but it'll be a memory...a memory to not get so fat with the next child.

I've been extremely anxious and somewhat fearful of what lay ahead with my labor/delivery. I've heard a few people's stories and they were not very comforting. I went in to my midwife and expressed my anxieties and she said to tell everyone to shove it. Kidding! But she did say to only think positively and read positive experiences. Sooooo, if anyone has any positive labor stories, please feel free to share :)


  1. Hmmm...positive stories only huh? Well in that case we'll not discuss J.J.'s birth story and instead we'll skip right along to Trey and Samuel! Easiest ever! Especially Samuel. I did have epidurals though. But seriously 2, 3 pushes max and they popped right out. Plus they were really great babies, slept through the night at 3 weeks, etc. And don't worry about your baby weight Pasi, you look beautiful! I gained 45 lbs. with J.J. and I was 30 lbs. overweight to begin with at that time. Everyone feels awkward and big at this stage in their pregnancy, it's perfectly normal to feel that way. Just believe everyone else when they tell you how great you look!

  2. I had great pregnancies.....I anxiously awaited the moment that I would go into labor...and when I did.....I had my gameface on! Push with all your mite and get that baby out as soon as possible! And although it maybe the most excruciating pain you will ever encounter.....Its soooooo worth it...everything kind of drifts away after that! The 2nd will come with ease...your always where fear sinks in! Lots of walking during this last you dont pass out during pushing!..GOOD LUCK!..LOVE U 2...XOXOXO

  3. With my first one I was really scared too about the labor and delivery part. People can try to explain to you how it feels or what to expect all they want, but you never really know until you go through it. I'm guessing if you have a midwife that you're going to do it natural? My second one I did it natural, it was soooooooo much better than my first, and I had an epidural with my first. So maybe that will give you some comfort. You just have to keep in your head while it's all going on that there is an end to it. And that you're going to make it through it. I don't know if you watch the baby story on tlc and see all those crazy ladies going through it, well one of the techniques that I saw on there, that I thought was weird until I tried it with my second one was humming through a contraction. And I'm not saying a song, just a constant tone. It sounds weird, but REALLY helped subside the pain. That's my 2 dollars worth. ;) This is Jennifer Nunez btw.

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  5. Hey Pasi, I had two c-section babies and I actually had a good experience with both! The thing I tell people is just don't be scared of a c-section. It's best if you can do it naturally but if you have to it's not that bad!! They numb you up and a few min later you have a baby! It's great and then you get pain killers till you heal. Also from what I heard the healing process is not any worse than most natural births. I had great pregnancies, and pretty painless deliveries. I feel bad sometimes that I couldn't do it naturally and believe me I tried! But now that I am stuck with c-sections I am going to enjoy the benefits! I get to schedule when my babies come!! How cool is that?

  6. You look SO cute!!! And don't worry about 32 lbs you will lose that in about a week after having the baby. Best diet ever! Also, I gained 72 FLIPPIN' lbs with Kove. And that was eating good and working out. So don't feel too bad.

    Those horror stories include mine I am sure. Sorry! Seriously, just get the epidural and it will be a breeze. Just make sure you get it when you are between a 4 or a 5. After that it probably won't work. With Kylie I just kept telling myself that everyone everywhere has babies. If they can do it, I can do it. It's definitely scary the first time. I will say that a blessing from C helped ease my fears (sorry to get "churchy") The good news is that it will end and you will forget everything and wonder what you ever worried about.

  7. aaawww! HI PASI!! CONGRATS!! the only advice i can give you about labor is, after all the pain you've endured throughout the whole entire pregnancy, even down to the last few hours, IT WILL ALL BE WORTH IT!! I promise! =) Congrats again!! BOYS ARE FUN!!
