Thursday, August 18, 2011

Cutting Down on Costs

I love the Nate Berkus Show, especially when he gives great tips. Here are some via

1. Wash laundry loads in cold water.
You can save up to $60 every few loads and it extends life of your clothing.

2. Put a regulator on your thermostat.
Regulates heat and a/c and is only a few dollars to buy. It takes 20% off your electricity bill.

3. Make one trip to the grocery store a month.
Throw everything in the freezer.

Comparison shop.

Now I just gotta do!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


It's been a while since I've been on here. I'm now 32 weeks and 32 lbs heavier. hahaha! So sad 'cause I'm kind of not exaggerating. I didn't want to post up any pictures of myself because I felt like a big whale, but it'll be a memory...a memory to not get so fat with the next child.

I've been extremely anxious and somewhat fearful of what lay ahead with my labor/delivery. I've heard a few people's stories and they were not very comforting. I went in to my midwife and expressed my anxieties and she said to tell everyone to shove it. Kidding! But she did say to only think positively and read positive experiences. Sooooo, if anyone has any positive labor stories, please feel free to share :)